In an interview with GIM International, Professor Abbas Rajabifard spoke about the fast-growing market and global challenges and how different authorities and global entities such as the United Nations and the World Bank are driving major initiatives around new frameworks or road maps (SDGs, IGIF, NUA) to assist global communities. In this interview, he outlined his plans for his candidacy for the FIG presidency and highlighted his vision for FIG that aligns its aim, objectives, and mission with all the changes taking place in the market. Professor Rajabifard also explained his focus on FIG today and in the future opportunities and challenges, and strategic pathways to nurture strong collaborative partnerships with government, industry, and academia, to ensure the next generation of professionals is well equipped to meet the growing needs of the emerging markets and industry. His motto in the FIG presidency election is: Connect Local Challenges to Global Action & Connect the Global Market to Local Opportunities. Please read the full interview here.